Male Tantric Massage


Sensual, erotic MALE TANTRIC MASSAGE is a sensual but firm full-body male to male Nude Massage for gay, bi-sexual or straight men. This Tantric Massage service for men does not only provide the benefits of a regular full body massage (relaxation, de-stressing, balancing, de-toxing and re-energizing), but it massages ALL parts of your body and will usually carry you through several stages of arousal to a deeply satisfying orgasm (if desired). MALE TANTRIC MASSAGE is a profound sensual, relaxing, yet invigorating experience.

MALE TANTRIC MASSAGE caters beautifully for a wide range of desires, whether you are looking for a traditional massage with a kick, a more intimate and sensual 'erotic massage experience' or are seeking on the way to experience spiritual unity and healing through sexual stimulation. (see here for what other clients had to say about this experience)

Tantra is widely recognized as a way to seek a very fulfilling sensual, sexual, healing and (originally) spiritual experience. Parts of the massage are taken from traditional tantric massage techniques, but all in all it is not as ceremonial or traditional as classic Tantra. In some Tantra schools e.g. dry orgasms and multiple orgasms are sought to be achieved, but I do find that ejaculations can be very powerful as well. The more traditional tantric elements I have incorporated in my MALE TANTRIC MASSAGE are:

- To view you as a holistic divine being, a combination of physical/ emotional/ mental and spiritual bodies. I strive to provide joy, healing and pleasure to all relevant elements of your being.

- To stimulate the sexual (and or Kundalini) energies of the massagee over a prolonged time period through the nurturing, intimate, caring massage of your whole body and

- to help you to spread these sexual invigorating, stimulating, healing, cleansing and balancing energies throughout your body, your whole being - not just to concentrate them in your genitals.

I try to help you to achieve this through the continuous emphasis on all parts of your body during e.g. the final Lingam massage (see below) . I do this with both physically and with spiritual techniques (When we meet I'll be happy to expand and explain further if you are interested)- Don't worry though, if this does not make any sense to you now, the only thing you will have to do throughout the whole massage is to lie back, relax and enjoy.

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Lingam Mssg (1-4)

Sensual, erotic MALE TANTRIC MASSAGE includes the massage of the Lingam/ Lingham (Penis) - Lingam/ Lingham Massage - ' The Sanskrit word for the male sexual organ/ phallus is Lingam and is loosely translated as "Wand of Light." In Tantra or Sacred Sexuality' - and the external and if desired(!) Internal massage of the prostate - Prostate Massage. The prostate is also known as the male G-spot or Sacred Spot. Tantric philosophy considers the prostate a man's emotional sex center. Massaging the man's prostate is said to releases sizable amounts of emotional and physical stress. From what I have read (mind you on the internet): prostate massage has long been used as a means of maintaining prostate health, and to promote increased sexual health. It has been included in traditional medicine for centuries. From my experience with my clients prostatic massage can indeed be very powerful. I though do not totally agree with other websites, that seem to make prostatic massage a pre-requisite to fully enjoy Tantric Massage/ Sexuality. I have found that with some clients stimulating the prostate is a gate to heaven, whereas for others it is literally just a finger up their bum and does not have much effect at all. The latter clients (or those that all together pass on the prostate massage) still seem to very much enjoy MALE TANTRIC MASSAGE as well though, and I often find that with these clients other parts of the body (e.g. nipples) are more sensitive than with other men.

Please feel free to inform me about any areas of your body that are particularly sensitive either before hand or during, if I don't find them myself.

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Prostate Mssg (1+2)

There is no set rules and expectations about the massagee's reactions. One does not HAVE to get aroused at any point nor experience ejaculation, just as well as you are welcome to climax more than once - i.e. there is no pressure/ expectation either way.(see - What is a TANTRIC ORGASM and will I experience one? on FAQ page) Furthermore you don't have to worry - I do always give the full massage - it does not end if you e.g. cum half way through.

MALE TANTRIC MASSAGE is a Hot Oil Massage . I use a mix of heated unscented natural oils (well, comfortably warmed oil). The experience I'd like to convey is a relaxing, pleasurable and energizing one. 

I do find it important to not just perform a little bit of a body massage and then the Lingam Massage. I do believe that if one helps the whole body to relax as best as possible, in the end there will be the more sexual energy available and free to circulate around your body and whole being. Ideally you book the Full Sensual Erotic Tantric Massage at 2hrs, I don't recommend that because I make a bit more money, but because with this version I can let the Healing Energies flow unimpeded. For years I actually just offered a 2 hr version and very rarely did I have clients which were so relaxed already, that I had trouble filling the time. (Plus the nice thing about Tantric Massage is, that when client's are less stressed and more relaxed already the energy work becomes less remedial and more entertaining and blissful. And one generally does not feel like rushing with such experiences either).

The massage is performed on a massage table and as said you are welcome to shower before and/ or after the massage.( - I know I am talking to adults here, but please consider that this massage goes places where regular massages don't go. I.e. please have a thorough shower before hand. If you come straight out of the office or cannot for which ever other reason have a shower in advance - don't worry - you are more then welcome to shower at my place before we start.) I will honour you with a set of fresh clean towels and being showered myself in return.

If you'd like to read more about what the Energy Work included with MALE TANTRIC MASSAGE can do, please feel free to peruse my other website . All Energy Work is included in the price and there is plenty of it! I.e. a MALE TANTRIC MASSAGE should give you most of the same benefits as a Spiritual Healing/ Reiki session alone. Obviously, considering the repeated intimate stimulation included with MALE TANTRIC MASSAGE you might just not relax as deeply.

Most clients prefer me to be naked, but I am also happy to wear shorts. I don't mind being touched (that includes my cock and arse) - I am confident that you understand though that this does not mean, that I promise or sell sex, necessarily cum myself or become erect!

Should you still have further questions, feel free to check my FAQ page, there is plenty covered there.

Massage is generally seen as relaxing, de-stressing, balancing, de-toxing and re-energizing - but there are contra-indications under which massage is not advised. - Please see below list. (- if you have any chronic or acute medical conditions which are mentioned below or other ones which you might be uncertain about whether suitable for massage, please confirm with your GP or other Medical practitioner before booking a massage). Please understand that you receive Male Tantric Massage at your own risk.:

List of Contra-Indications:

  • Infectious skin disease (we are not talking verucas here or athletes foot, which can be worked around)
  • An unhealed wound. (local contra indication)
  • Immediately after surgery.
  • If you’re prone to blood clots.
  • Cardio – vascular conditions ( heart conditions, hypertension, hypotension, thrombosis, phlebitis) especially if not under control
  • It should never be performed directly over bruises.
  • Inflamed or infected injuries.
  • Areas of bleeding or heavy tissue damage.
  • At the sites of recent fractures or sprains.
  • Cancer patients immediately after chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  • Avoid massage over any known tumor.
  • In any area with a recent surgical incision.
  • Massage in the abdominal area for at least two hours after eating.
  • Abdominal hernia. (no abdominal massage)
  • If you have a fever
  • Medical Oedema
  • Kidney infections
  • Osteoporosis (I understand this only applies for 'strong' cases. I cannot be the judge on this, so if you have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis, you will need your doctor to have told you whether you can receive massage (or maybe just light massage)! 
  • Varicose Veins (not an exclusion, but generally varicose veins should not me massaged, so I'd have to omit massaging that area of a client's body)
  • ME or Fibromyalgia  - massage should generally be kept lighter

It is understandable that you might be looking for TLC if suffering from any of the above conditions. If massage is contraindicated, I should be happy to offer Reiki/ Spiritual Healing, as this therapy does not have above restrictions (- see: )  

RATES (Incall)

If you'd like to book a session please e-mail me on:  or call me on : 0049 (0)1752 111 044 

My studio is located near HEUMARKT, Cologne - Altstadt, just a 10min walk from HBF/ Central Station! 

My working hours are: Mon-Fri 1pm - 12am; Sat+Sun 2pm-12am